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    N, N, , false,
    N, N, , false,
    N, N, , false,
    N, N, , false,
    N, N, , false,
    N, N, , false,
    N, N, , false,
    N, N, , false,
    N, N, , false,
    N, N, , false,
    N, N, , false,
    N, N, , false,
    N, N, , false,
    N, N, , false,
    N, N, , false,
    N, N, , false,
    N, N, , false,
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    , , , false,
    N, N, , false,
    N, N, , false,
    N, N, , false,
    N, N, , false,
    N, N, , false,
    N, N, , false,
    N, N, , false,
    N, N, , false,
    N, N, , false,
    N, N, , false,
    N, N, , false,
    N, N, false, false,
    N, N, false, false,
    N, N, , false,
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외신이 바라본 한국

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    N, N, , false,
    N, N, , false,
    N, N, , false,
    N, N, , false,
    N, N, , false,
    N, N, , false,
    N, N, , false,
    N, N, , false,
    N, N, , false,
    N, N, , false,
    N, N, , false,
    N, N, , false,
    N, N, , false,
    N, N, , false,
    N, N, , false,
    N, N, , false,
    N, N, , false,
    N, N, , false,
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    N, N, , false,
    N, N, , false,
    N, N, , false,
    N, N, , false,
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    N, N, , false,
    N, N, , false,
    N, N, false, false,
    N, N, false, false,
    N, N, , false,
세계가 인정한 한국의 코로나 19 대응

Kocis 해외문화홍보원 eren Cuhure and information Service VACCINE 거든 세계가 인정한 한국의 코로나의 대응

해외문화홍보원 Korean Culture and information Service 한국, 코로나19 대유행 우며, "민첩성 지” 78개국 중 6위 차지 영국, BBC, 22.04.01. By Lindsey Galloway 1st April 2033 With international travel opening up again, travellers may find more security visiting countries with a strong track record of adjusting their policies appropriately and swiftly. "한국은 강력한 거리두기와 감염자에 대한 이동 제한 조치를 실시하여 의료체계 과부하 처리 능력을 키움" nongoing pandemic global conflict and general uncertainty have put a spotlight on every country's need to be more agile and adaptable in recent years. By being able to implement flexible policies and solutions J based on nen information governments can more effectively serve citizens and travellers in a rapidly changing world To capture this ability to adapt and respond to obstacles. US News & World Report introduced the new Agility Index this year as part of their annual best countries rankings. Creating a list of the top nations ranked by their ability to be adaptable dynamic, modern, progressive or responsive "한국은 높은 백신 접종률과 효율적인 의료 대응 체계를 바탕으로 방역 정책 완화를 추진" These factors are more important than ever to travellers, many who are starting to travel internationally again for the first time in two years. As by the stream of Cavid-19 variants, conditions on the ground a shift rapidly and travellers may Find more security visiting those countries with a strong track record of adjusting their policies appropriately and swiftly We spoke to residents and policy experts in some of the most highly ranked countries to find out what makes for an agile country and what twellers should expect when "민첩성 지수 조사 결과 한국은 전체 78개국 중 6위를 차지하며, 역동성과 혁신성 면에서 높은 점수를 기록" 기사 및 이미지 출처 : 영국 BBC(04.01.) |

해외문화홍보원 Komen Culture and information Service 한국, 전 계 방역 모범” COLD CHAIN VACCINE 영국, Telegraph, 22.04.01. How South Korea can teach the world to live with Covid Expertkay the country framework for how to deal with epidemie "한국은 엄격한 입국 제한, 격리, 검사, 추적 등을 통해서 코로나 19 확산을 억제" Postomat town South roces wasa thateurior on inly suwon Could this year the country windled the world in new interiors, with a dramatic ses that woudly ose per centos population besting positive on a single day. Driving the thin which se i n m arch- I run This infectiones variantly delete the contr a tact trading while oneral pr i sme des populated cities have extended operating houses th e narra har "미국이나 영국이 한국의 백신 정책을 도입했다면 사망자의 90%는 줄일 수 있었을 것" Yet instead of locking down Dry Cooderar Lite Singapore and New Zeal honch bordercours antaction "코로나 19와 유사한 전염병이 또다시 유행할 경우 전 세계가 한국의 방역을 배워야 한다는 교훈 남김" '기사 및 이미지 출처 : 영국 Telegraph(04.01.)

2 strategies for a post-Covid economy: S'pore, South Korea vs Taiwan, Hong Kong Despite High Covid-19 Case Counts, Asian Nations Learn to Live With the Virus South Korea is considering downgrading the way it categorias Covidas an infectious di Singapore COVID-19 TESTING How Covid-19 Could Stuff From Bosmic to Endemic Phase While Singapore and South Korea have committed to casing Covid-19 restrictions, Hilfig Kong and Taiwan remain locked in to their zero Covid stances. This has profound Implications for urban He and economic competitiveness for the four Tiger economies. are to N anade low the brow s ing Co. 한국, 최초의 엔데믹 국가 가능성 미국, WSJ, 22.03.30. '싱가포르, Todayonline, 22.04.04. 1 "코로나19 오미크론 변이 확산에 감염자가 급증하는 추세에도 세계 최저 수준 사망률" "한국은 전인구 대상 예방 접종을 실시하여 사망자를 최소화하고 경제 손실 회복 추진" "한국은 코로나 19가 팬데믹에서 엔데믹(풍토병) 수준으로 낮아지는 최초의 국가가 될 것" "한국은 방역체계를 유지하며, 글로벌 도시로서의 재부상 준비 중" 기사 및 이미지 출처 : 미국 WSJ(03.30.) / 싱가포르 Todayonline(04.04.)